Spark Kids Club FAQ

Q: Does my child have to attend Sparhawk School in order to attend Spark?

A: Yes, the student must be enrolled at Sparhawk.

Q: Do I have to sign-up for the entire year?

A: No, your child can choose to do a single drop-in class. The fee will be invoiced to you be the finance department.

Q: My child loves Spark! Can I sign-up mid-year to be billed monthly and take advantage of the reduced admission price?

A: Yes! You can contact the finance department and they will provide you with a contract that is prorated for the remainder of the year.

Q: I noticed the days are thematic, will the themes be the same all year?

A: We will continue to improve the range of themes and selection of activities to keep the students intrigued and excited. All of the activities will be posted in advance for you to successfully plan your weeks. We reserve the right to change the daily activity due to unforeseen circumstances.

Q: Will my child receive a take-home activity everyday?

A: No, not necessarily. Some activities may be experiential in nature, and will therefore not have a tangible take-home item.